News Details

Aug 4, 2024

Volunteers Needed

Amigos Board is recruiting volunteers to adopt the Oso Corredor Trail.

Category: General
Posted by: webmanager

Over the last fifteen years Lou Romero, Rene Archer, Patrick Patricia, and Chuck Williams have adopted the 2.7 mile Oso Corredor Trail on the Sandia District, Cibola NF.  Rene and Lou have jointly decided  to retire their leadership. Therefore the Amigos Board is recruiting volunteers to adopt this trail.

Trail maintenance includes erosion control on the tread, removing encroaching vegetation and loose rocks and removing dead trees blown across the trail.

The Oso Corredor trail overall, is in good condition. It requires little maintenance that can be accomplished by a small 3-5 person crew in one or two outings a year with a Pulaski, shovel and loppers. 

If you are interested in taking the leadership role, or volunteering as a crew member,  please email Emily Irwin at or Cyndie Hogg at  

Thank you for considering to volunteer,

Emily Irwin
